Saturday, September 10, 2011

just wanna...

First off I want to thank everyone for the sweet comments from my last post they meant a lot, isn't crazy how some people you don't even know are so sweet to take time out of their life just to make someone else smile with their kind words, I find it amazing and it makes my heart smile :) 

I also went to my first couponing class today with my momma and holy moly i am in still shocked at how much people save, and I think its amazing... I can't wait to start my binder and have something me and my mom can do together and save money enjoying our time together! Also I never knew our walgreens here and many other places give a 15% discount to military members every Thursday plus you can use your coupons! This will come in need and big help when I get my apartment next month with my long lost bff yay! things are looking up for me! back on couponing (geez I am so a.d.d)
If you have any helpful tips or advice please feel free to let me know :)

Well I am off to finish watching arthur and passing out because this girl is exhausted goodnight :)

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