Wednesday, November 9, 2011


The exciting post that is suppose to be this is on hold...
this is a serious girl problem I have some questions...
(so if any of my lovely readers are men you might not want to read this and it has a lot of you have been WARNED)

So we're are talking about shark week again...
no not the ones in the ocean, my period is referred to as shark week
ever since I saw this picture.. 

 i find it quite funny...
but that isn't what I am here to talk about...
so GETTING back on topic!!!

I am here to talk about Aunt Flow (for those who don't know who aunt flow is, it is my period)

Ok and well ever since I ever got my period at 16,
I have suffered from the worst cramping ever every month, and not just where my ovaries are at, its in my back and legs also!!! I am not kidding when I put on a scale of 1 to 10 pain level on my cramps that it is a 10... every month I have to miss 2-3 days of school or work so I can lay in bed in the fetal position with my heating pad, and drugging myself with pain killers (that don't even really help... might I add) and cry until I pass even hurts to walk and cough!!! I don't know what is going on I have went to my ob doctors who always give me a ultrasound and find a ovarian cyst yeah i know they can cause pain but this much every single month just on the first few days of around and on my period???  my sister has them and she does not go threw this pain I go through on her period! I asked the doctors to check me for endometriosis! I guess the doctor thinks I am being a big baby and can't handle period cramps! 
I know these pains aren't normal! Why?
1. It hurts to walk 
2. no pain killers work to ease the pain 
3. It hurts to use the restroom (number 1 and 2) 
4. Its not even heavy
5. I keep having miscarriages around 6-8 wks.
6. i am either  having diarrhea, constipation, or very nausea
7. sex is painful right before and after my period

and when I was researching about this:

                                             In addition, many women with endometriosis suffer from:
                                                                     Allergies (all the time)
                                               Chemical sensitivities (i dont know really about this one)
       Frequent yeast infections (and yep just got over one last month and had one a month before that one)

Im honestly scared, a lot of people who have endometriosis can't have kids, my heart will break more than ever if I ever find out that I can't have kids of my own!

I am going to the doctor Friday to hopefully get answers!
Until then have any of you ladies had or have endometriosis or anything similar please share!


Krystal said...

I see that you're a new follower :) Hi! I see you're going through a divorce as well...... ME TOO. Wow, nice to meet you (:

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

I hope you get some answers!