Friday, October 21, 2011

just working on my fitness he's my witness.

haha..the title of this post is a song stuck in my head, no idea where the heck it came from 
or if those are the right lyrics or not? who knows with me i tend to make up 
my own lyrics for songs all the time! 
im weird i know so its okay :) 

But the fitness part of the title is what I wanna talk about,
so a few days ago i started working out:
my abs, booty, thighs, legs, arms and places i never knew I had muscles at! omg I am sore ha 

If you know me you know I am pretty lazy, this picture below is me like all the time watching trash tv or movies eating all day! hehe oops! 

I just wish I looked that good being lazy haha

Im not overweight or anything; I just wanna get toned and in shape
because I went running this morning, and well kinda stopped a lot to catch my breath like a lot! 
No one saw thank god because I am sure I was embarrassing myself...

thinking I looked like this...

but really looking like this but with long hair and tata's.. hahaha

I took before pictures so I can see my process of how my body changes through out my working out until I go to basic training for either the navy or coast guard just not sure which one yet :)

excuse the hott mess it was a lazy day for this girl! ha

before working out 
October 18,2011 

1 comment:

J and A said...

Nice work lady. Keep it up, you look great.