Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas Recap :)

I know everyone and the mommas are posting their recaps on Christmas and what cute gifts they got!
So I am definitely jumping on this wagon because I loves this wonderful holiday! :)

Even though it really didn't feel like Christmas this year, I enjoyed the family time and celebrating Jesus' Birthday :) 

This was our first ever in eighteen years that we spent Christmas in sweet home alabama and it was bittersweet; bitter because we didn't have all our family in and do our usually dirty santa, and seeing all my aunts/uncles, cousins, and g-parents, sweet because it was nice not having to travel a long 8 hrs, and being able to sleep on my own bed, ahh and of course the best part being able to enjoy peace & quiet and actually being able to open our gifts with just my immadiete family and eating christmas dinner together :)

Since my parents say I am too old for Santa now, 
my presents seemed to have a smaller quanity hmmpphhh.
but I still got what I wanted so I am still happpyyy :)

The pup dogs got their favorite treats, and Miss Santa is still in search for them a cute bed since the washer decided it got a little hungry and wanted to eat all the stuffing out of theirs..RUDE!! ha.

& for me, I got Miss Taylor Swifts perfume Wonderstruck..AMAZING!!! 
Sephora eyeshadow, lipgloss, blush and bronzer kit..
A pretty scarf, gloves and hat for Tennesse, bama still hasn't got the memo its winter yet! wth? 
Black boots I have been needing foreverrrrr and a day 
and twenty dollars from gma and gpa from my mommas side! 

We also had another dress- up day at work, I didn't want to wear the same thing as last time so I borrowed one of my co-workers who lucked out not having to have to work again, I had fun and not too many jobs let you have dress up days so I will enjoy it while I can :)

Both weeks costumes :) 

2011 Recap coming soon...and 2012's new goal forget resolutions they never stick for good :) 

Sunday, December 25, 2011

the reason...

Everyone "don't forget the reason for the season"
Happy Birthday Jesus :) 

This years Christmas picture: me, chloe and swayze :) 

Taking you back: 2010 :) 


Sunday, December 18, 2011

never too old to play dress-up

This weekend has been a great one especially since my week sucked
because I was in bed all day sick with bronchitis and aunt flow decided too visit then too,
netflix, soup, cuddle time with the pups, redbox and lots of medicine let me survive it...
I missed work for three days so on Friday I was ready to get out of my house 
and go to work especially because we had our Christmas dress-up day :)

Gotta say I love my job and the people I work with I was "buddy the elfs...."
since i am too tall to be a real elf i settled to be his FUTURE WIFE :)

Afterwards we went out to have drinks to celebrate on of the hooters girl who graduated from college,
drank a few too many but had a blast :)

I decorated my room for christmas too :)

& dressed up the fur-babies as santa :) 

stayed tuned too my wish list to santa :) 

Friday, December 16, 2011

twenty-five things about yours truly :)

1. I cannot sleep if I am hot, I have to have my room freezing and cuddled underneath the covers,
with one foot out.

2. I love popcorn dipped in nacho cheese... Don't knock it until you try it!

3. I love all music, but Country is def. my favorite.. & the only concerts I will attend have to be country artists or bands...

4. I got married at 19 because I was pregnant and thought "it was the right thing to do",
well it wasn't and now I am happily divorced at 21. I don't regret it because it taught me a lot, and me grow wiser and more independent! 

5. I still believe in LOVE & MARRIAGE... and hope one day I find it with, I know my Prince is out there waiting..

6. I was born in Kanas lived there until I was two, then moved to Sweet Home Alabama, I want to move outta Bama and move to either Florida, Georgia, or Tennessee.

7. I have no idea what I want to do when I "grow up",
can I just stay young forever? 

8. I am the biggest quote fan, if your friends with me on facebook you already know :)

9. I have had 2 miscarriages, and know in my heart I will be a mother when God plans for me too be one day.

10. I believe everything happens for reason someway, somehow.

11. i believe men in uniform are the sexiest...ha :)

12. I have two furbabies who i treat like my kids :)

13. I am trying to quit smoking...AGAIN. such a nasty habit of mine.

14. I love to read when I have the time :)

15. I get nervous when I talk on the phone, especially to
im weird i know  

16. I take forever to get ready, because of so many distractions around me 
***cough cough facebook, blogger & pinterest cough***

17. im one of the laziest people, I am content with staying home watching movies, browsing the internet and being in my pj's all day

18. I tried out for Americas next top model and messed up on the interview horribly
(cameras, judges & being on spotlight is NOT for me and i am okay with it just b/c I am 6ft tall doesn't mean I am meant to be a model...hahaha)

19. I take pictures of everything fun little hobby of mine :)

20. I love being organized, but I can never keep my room clean im messy, but not dirty.

21. I am the biggest smartass ever

22. I change my hair a lot i use to be a blonde :)

23. I am a momma's girl

24. reality tv makes me happy

25. I hate mornings, I am a night owl...stay up all night sleep all day :)

What are 25 random things about you? 

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

oops i did it again

Yes I am a horrible blogger, I admit it...
Sometimes I honestly have nothing to say write, which is a shocker to me! If you hung out with me outside of the blogger world you know I never shut up unless im sleeping!

My life has been pretty great the last few weeks.. minus one thing! 

My great paw paw Victor is an Angel in heaven since the 6th..
He was 97 years old four months shy of being 98!

He lived a long great life, our family knew he would be meeting God soon after he got very sick with and we all know he is in a better place pain free and watching over us all, I love you paw paw!

My big brother, Joey flew down from Cali to attend his funeral and is now in bama with us on leave until the 28th.. So if im not working I am spending time with him or trying to get over this stupid cough that decided to come back and attack my lungs and make me sound horrible and loose my voice for a day...umm not cool!!!
So doctor AGAIN tomorrow, to see what the eff is going on because I am pretty sure work is getting tired of this just as much as I am!

So pray that I find out what is going on..hopefully nothing bad!
(smoking probably isn't helping. smh..NEED TO QUIT AGAIN)

the rest of this post is gonna be random..
just like my crazy life :) 

  •  I had a scare this last week, I missed my period for a whole week and finally started today..which is not normal for me my period is always on time or early NEVER late, i took test after test too make sure I wasn't preggo ALL NEGATIVE, as much as I would love to be a mom, I am still young and not ready for a baby give me 5 years! :)  
  • I have some great ideas for my new years resolutions for 2012... still putting it all together so I can share it in a post later on :) 
Me and my family and some of my sister and bro-n-law friends and family are all going to Tennessee Jan. 5th- 8th and staying in a luxury cabin because the previous cabin we had from this rental company was sold to someone else so they upgraded us into a bigger better one FO- FREE.. :)

I cannot wait just have to find some cute winter clothes and new boots and all that cute stuff :) 

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

holy moly...I am...

Where has November gone?!?
let me answer that for you..well at least in my case... i started my new job and literally working almost everyday. and of course going out with my friends for a drink (ok maybe way more than ever needed for me), getting sick again, a FINAL DIVORCE, thanksgiving, FOOTBALL and I just got back from seeing a sweet buah in georgia :)
and holy moly
I cant believe Christmas will be here in less than a month...
and I haven't done any shopping whatsoever you know where all my money has been going?
in de bank or in my secret hiding place getting saved for court that is in a week or so...
that I am not ready because this shit is expensive, never ever again will I do that eva eva again...
but I go talk to my lawyer again tomorrow to officially hire his expensive butt to get me out of this mess but first push back my court date for-umm-ever...not, a girl can dream right? but hopefully a couple of months so I can save more of my precious hard earned moneys working my little butt off...

So anywho...
I will update in sections :)

ohhh and i know my last post was a little too much of my bitching..PMS got the best of me..
and I so over slept for that appointment and it is rescheduled in Dec sometime...


My Divorce is FINAL...
YES you read that right... this girl is finally single officially and I can't be more happy so what do I do?
throw a divorce party... i know some people think that is wrong trust me I heard from quite a few people so before I get to  the pics you shall read my facebook status from the other day (if you don't agree) :

Those of you who have a problem with me celebrating my divorce with my divorce party can get over it... U were not ever in my marriage, or ever had to put up with a unsupportive, lying, abusive if I wanna celebrate guess what I am bc I am finally out of misery and putting up with him and cheers to a new life and new beginnings so f off and ur opinion isnt needed and never will be :)

So now that we have that all cleared up... 
here are some of the pics...
yes I had too many shots.. and was a weee bit intoxicated okay extremely


I started my new job... Trained for 5 days and 5 tests to pass, then had a week of what they call "audition week" to make sure it works out for you and your the person they were looking for and the best part of the crazy weeks is my best friend "S" got hired the same day so we had orientation, training and audition week together..I love working there now making way better money, enjoying work and getting along with everyone who works there AND entertaining the customers just gotta say thats my favorite part...

me "hard at work" :)


This year was the first year I didn't get to spend turkey day with my family or in louisiana, it felt so weird staying at home with all my family spread across the U.S.
So I spent it with some friends who also didn't have family around to celebrate...
So the night before me and "K" went shopping for food..
and the next morning we went to cooking..
We made ham, mashed potatoes and gravy, stuffing, mac n cheese, green bean casserole, corn bread, sweet potatoes, rolls, pie and WINE :)

all of it turned out amazing and I am so thankful for so much...

Georgia <3


rolll tideee baby

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


The exciting post that is suppose to be this is on hold...
this is a serious girl problem I have some questions...
(so if any of my lovely readers are men you might not want to read this and it has a lot of you have been WARNED)

So we're are talking about shark week again...
no not the ones in the ocean, my period is referred to as shark week
ever since I saw this picture.. 

 i find it quite funny...
but that isn't what I am here to talk about...
so GETTING back on topic!!!

I am here to talk about Aunt Flow (for those who don't know who aunt flow is, it is my period)

Ok and well ever since I ever got my period at 16,
I have suffered from the worst cramping ever every month, and not just where my ovaries are at, its in my back and legs also!!! I am not kidding when I put on a scale of 1 to 10 pain level on my cramps that it is a 10... every month I have to miss 2-3 days of school or work so I can lay in bed in the fetal position with my heating pad, and drugging myself with pain killers (that don't even really help... might I add) and cry until I pass even hurts to walk and cough!!! I don't know what is going on I have went to my ob doctors who always give me a ultrasound and find a ovarian cyst yeah i know they can cause pain but this much every single month just on the first few days of around and on my period???  my sister has them and she does not go threw this pain I go through on her period! I asked the doctors to check me for endometriosis! I guess the doctor thinks I am being a big baby and can't handle period cramps! 
I know these pains aren't normal! Why?
1. It hurts to walk 
2. no pain killers work to ease the pain 
3. It hurts to use the restroom (number 1 and 2) 
4. Its not even heavy
5. I keep having miscarriages around 6-8 wks.
6. i am either  having diarrhea, constipation, or very nausea
7. sex is painful right before and after my period

and when I was researching about this:

                                             In addition, many women with endometriosis suffer from:
                                                                     Allergies (all the time)
                                               Chemical sensitivities (i dont know really about this one)
       Frequent yeast infections (and yep just got over one last month and had one a month before that one)

Im honestly scared, a lot of people who have endometriosis can't have kids, my heart will break more than ever if I ever find out that I can't have kids of my own!

I am going to the doctor Friday to hopefully get answers!
Until then have any of you ladies had or have endometriosis or anything similar please share!

Monday, November 7, 2011

I got?!

I got a job, I got a job, I got a job...
ahhh im so stinking excited!!!

<insert happy dance here>


hello...white little tank top, orange shorts and big tippers... 
I have orientation on Thursday and then hopefully I will start training next week, 
and best part about the job is half of my friends work there 
and miss. sarah
she's gorgeous and my new bestie...
which is weird because I hate girls usually! 


more exciting news coming up next post...

signed, stamped, sealed & shipped...

On Friday, I finally had the strength and courage to sign and mail out the divorce papers,
I waited so long because I wanted to make sure that is what I wanted...
It was one of the hardest things to do, but one of the best decisions I have made!
I didn't deserve half the stuff I had put up with in my marriage;
but I put up with it all because I was in love and my heart was set he was the one 
and he had me believe I couldn't have or do better!
Love is blind, only when you blame yourself and don't want to believe the truth!

I don't regret it...
I have changed a lot going through this,
I have two angels in heaven who keep me going their my guardian angels;
I have grown strong, but hell I had to fight myself to get through it;
I learned to fight for myself and follow my heart and mind;
I learned to let go of things that I can't change;
I learned if someone truly loves you, 
they wouldn't hurt you they would protect you! 
I am a strong person thanks to this,
my heart is still hurting but time will heal it;
 my Prince can find me one day until then
I will be on my couch, eating junk food, and watching cartoons... 

Just some quotes I love that keep me going...