Sunday, June 26, 2011

over the weekend :)

I was so nervous for this weekend to come because ever since the last time me and danny spilt his parents didn't care for me too much, they weren't very excited to hear the news of us getting back together either! We haven't spoken in like 6 months and then they were coming to visit so I had no idea what to expect when they came! But everything seemed to go pretty great my niece came with them so it let off some of the nervousness I had! lol.. We all went to a lot of Harley stores and Ikea in Austin on Friday since my hubby got him a new motorcycle and I found the cutest helmet ever and cute clothes there mostly black pink and bedazzled makes it a lot more exciting since I am not the biggest fan of motorcycles! Im a big scardy cat! 

I want to take pin up pictures on my husband harley for him now only to find a photographer to do something like these :) 

Back to the weekend Saturday we had a surprise for our niece and went to Sea World in San Antonio and had a blast we got to pet a dolphin, see shamu and ride some rollercoasters, our niece loved it but man was that texas heat horrible!

here is some pictures:

but I guess my fun filled weekend had to be taking over by a mean sinus infection so I been laying in bed and on the couch all day letting the hubby take care of me! 
So back off to bed I go hope everyone had a great weekend :) 

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

such a busy bee..

Lately I have been such a busy bee, school is taking over my life and its quite exhausting along with everything else! Last Friday, me and my hubs both had off for once together, usually its he is working im at school, or im off school he is working and so forth! So we haven't been able to spend a lot of time together but anyways back to last Friday. we planned on having a lazy day but my cousins came in town to visit my other cousins who live pretty close so we all went out to Belton Lake on the boat having a great time drinking,water skiing, tubing, swimming and cliff jumping (well not me..hell no i will NEVER jump off of a cliff where i can slip and fall off and land on something and possibly die b/c I have no idea what is in the water!) lol. ok im a worry wort about those things but if I can't see where I will land I am not jumping off of anything, not a chance! I cant wait to get my computer charger in the mail to post pictures but that will have to wait a few more days because little miss chuggs decided to use it for her teething habits! I am dying without my computer I feel so lost and the only computer is my husbands and he is usually on i am patiently waiting its arrival lol! But I promise once I get my computer back I will be on more and post pics.. :)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Love story

a love survey on the husband and i <3

♥ What are your middle names?
isacc & nicole

♥ How long have you been together?
about a year and a half, married 1 year and 4 months ;)

♥ How long did you know each other before you started dating?
like a

♥ Who asked whom out?
I think i did, haha..but im not i need to figure it out!

♥ How old are each of you?
Me-20, 21 in august.
him-he just turned 24

♥ Whose siblings do/did you see the most?
hmm..we see both when we visit, but he only has one brother! i have 3 which 2 live in differents parts of the so i guess his!

♥ Do you have any children together?
nope, just our furbabies

♥ What about pets?
2, swayze and chuggs

♥ Did you go to the same school?
Nope he was homeschooled

♥ Are you from the same home town?
nope but close!

♥ Who is the smartest?
both in different subjects!

♥ Who is more sensitive?
me for sure!

♥ Where do you eat out most as a couple?
we like to try different places every time we go out..but we recently tried texas roadhouse and well were both in love! lol

♥ Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?
too our home now which is in texas from alabama! we havent traveled yet!

♥ Who has the craziest exes?
probably me

♥ Who has the worst temper?

♥ Who does the cooking?
we both do

♥ Who is more social? 

probably him im shy at times!

♥ Who is the neat-freak? for sure

♥ Who is more stubborn?
tied butt heads

♥ Who hogs the bed?
me :)

♥ Who wakes up earlier?
during the week, he does. On the weekends, I do usually!

♥ Where was your first date?
i think we went bowling..i dont really

♥ Who has the bigger family?

♥ Do you get flowers often?
Nope..i rather food, lol

♥ How do you spend the holidays?
depends we're military so if we get to go home we will and our parents live 5 mins away from eachother so we would share!

♥ Who is more jealous?
we both have had our moments, but its not really an issue with us! thank god!

♥ How long did it take to get serious?
really quickly. we got married 3 months after we started dating :)

♥ Who eats more?
him. he normally eats what I don't finish. lol

♥ Who does/did the laundry?
i do, he puts the socks together and brings the clothes upstairs. lol

♥ Who’s better with the computer?

♥ Who drives when you are together?
him mostly! 

everyone meet :)


she is almost 11 weeks i need to find out her exact birthday! lol.
Chuggs is our new addition to our family, 
and the hubbys baby since swayze is mine! but it seems that chuggs is more a ladies dog and scared of men bc of the deep voices so she has been loving on me more and the hubs is getting a bit jealous! aww i  am sure she will warm up to him it has taken her awhile to get use to everything execpt for swayze they get along great and love to play fight! at first swayze didn't know how to act, she is my baby and I spoiled her and now she has to share her momma and everything else, one thing she wasn't gonna share was her food bowl, she snipped at poor chuggs, and chuggs seemed to understand b/c now one eats and they switch which is fine with me as long as they don't get mean to one another or try to hurt each other! Also chuggs is almost potty trained yay :) 

me and our girls :)


Saturday, June 11, 2011

life has been crazyyy...

sorry i been so absent from the blogging world I have been crazy busy, school started monday that should explain a lot im only taking two classes but still I am not use to being up before 8 to 10ish, it especially sucks now bc I have an 8 in the morning class monday- thursday... and i have been trying to get myself on a scheldule like my husband (5 am- 10 or 11 pm) Lets just explain this I am not a morning person and I love my sleep so getting up at 5 in the freaking morning to bring my husband to work 20 mins there and 20 mins back  (he better be glad I love and then rushing to get ready to be at school by 730 so I can get parking has lead to me living on my liquid crack aka coffee and being in this funky mood i have been in I believe it is just getting use to this new scheldule and lack of sleep! lol.

But other than that life has been suprisingly going is why :)

  •  school is something I actually enjoy now, I know weird, but my teachers are awesome, and I am learning a lot everyday and think I will do amazing this semester! 
  • My husband is going to reinlist into a new mos and hopefully he gets it, its just a long process to get in and a whole bunch of other stuff, so hopefully he does and then we will be out of the hood hopefully this new mos could make us just stay here, effin shoot me if it does! lol.
  • i think i finally decided on what i want to major in and that is maternal and neonatal nursing, i love babies and i would enjoy it, execpt the sad parts to it which i know will happen! and maybe i wont have baby fever as 
  • its been 49 days since i quit smoking, and I really don't even crave them anymore at all yayy :)
  • my sister got married last month :) 
my sister and me :) 

also some great news I started selling Scentsy wickless candles!
amazing and i started this job to share my addiction and love for them!

if you never heard of it here is a link to answer all your questions! :)
FAQ :)

scentsy spring summer catalog!

If you would like to place an order with me...

here are some of the products :)

my favorite scents:

plug-ins :)

full size warmers :)

how it works:

    Thursday, June 2, 2011

    deployment call :(

    So my husband got a call saying he may have to deploy in 30 to 90 days! I am usually stronger when it comes to facing something hard, but for this to come out of nowhere and it not even being my husbands unit and them just needing people in his mos hit me hard, I felt like my heart got ripped out of my chest just knowing the fact he MAYBE going no 100% but still, so I guess the famous phrase for the army "hurry up and wait" is here! This will be my first deployment if he goes and I am scared shitless, and have so much going on in my head and a million and 1 questions! 

    Mostly about what the hell am I gonna do? Do I stay at our duty station or go back to stay with my parents!? Everyone is saying stay at your duty station a lot of negative about going back to family! I think I am gonna stay here at Hood, but not positive! I have school here and other army wives who have or are going through the exact same thing as I am or will be! Back where my family and his family (who are still upset or whatever they are with me) and a bunch of drama as it being a small time and little immature girls like to make up stuff and a place I can only stand a little at a time I am leaning towards "its gonna cause lots of issues or problems"!

     I believe I should make a pros and cons list of both and make my decision from there will be the best idea! Any advice would be helpful and much needed! But I have to get going I have a lot of cleaning to do oh the joys of being little miss housewifey! :)