Tuesday, January 10, 2012


First off, I am back from vacation...
I wanted my parents to accidently leave me, 
but nope of course I didn't have the guts to hide because honestly driving around the mountains scared the living crap outta me and my driver never showed up so I had to come back to bama I guess I will have to settle for the beaches instead of the mountains! Bummer haha..I only kid! 
I am glad too be home safe and sound and around my wonderful friends I am just missing one person Mr Amazing Marine! :/

But I will be doing my vacation posts tomorrow :) 
But for now I am doing a new link up with...

Sometimes... I wanna deactivate my facebook account because people annoy me
Always... keep it activated because it gives me something to laugh about and something to do and maybe cyber stalk some people

Sometimes... I make a plan to start eating healthy
Always... Find the greasy food more appetizing 

Sometimes... I snap on people or not think before I speak
Always... Apologize for any mean things I said and hope for forgiveness and beat myself up over for days (not literally knock myself out but make myself fell bad)

Sometimes... I second guess myself about wanting to go into the military
Always... remember that this will be the best thing for me 

Sometimes... I find that all the reality tv shows I watch are very stupid and think I shouldn't watch them because I am sure they kill a lot of brain cells.
Always... end up watching them and laughing my ass off at all the stupid things a few brain cells won't hurt! right?

Sometimes... I wonder why I have been through so much in so little time
Always...   remember God has a plan for me and he wouldn't put me through something if he knew I wasn't strong enough too be able to handle it and I always thank him for the hard times because if I never had hard times I wouldn't be thankful for the great times :) 


Alana Christine said...

Completely agree with the facebook, reality tv, and God's plans parts.
Glad you had a good trip!

Simplyheather said...

Haha agree with the Facebook part! Except I ended up deactivating it January 2nd and haven't been on sense. && ya greasy food is so much more appetizing lol.

jessica said...

I feel that exact same way about my facebook! And we all need a little greasy food sometimes! At least that's why I tell myself :)


Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

I think about getting rid of facebook too sometimes!