Thursday, July 21, 2011

doctor & 10 day challenge

Life has been hectic lately,  I have not been feeling good I have had the worst cramps for the last week like cant even get out of the bed or walk up or down the stairs without wanting to scream, I know I have had a history of ovarian cysts but this seemed so much worse so I went to the doctor and they scheduled me to a fertility specialist, I am trying to find out why I have the worlds worst cramps and to see if I am able to hold babies full term it really freaks me out not knowing why and what happened before so maybe I will get good answers, no bad ones! Send prayers my way please! 

Oh and better news I quit smoking 12 weeks and 5 days ago! :))

Hope everyone has had a great week! 

last post was suppose to be day 5 not 6

day 6
five foods

chicken alfredo :)

ruby tuesday's tilapia 

turkey sandwhich from panera :) 

frozen yogurt mmm :) 

crepes :) 

Ok so these maybe the foods i want now and not my top 5 favorites! 

day 7
Four books

all emily giffin's book

the twilight saga series 

so sad too read, but a good story

better than the movie :) 

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